At PSI, we believe in finding the optimal solution for our clients from among a wealth of worldwide options. Our focus is on identifying the tools they need and the resources that will benefit them the most. For qualified corporate retirement plans, this means forming alliances with some of the top providers of unbundled 401(k) plans.
Our allies are among the strongest in the industry. They have market breadth and deep penetration in the business. We rely on these companies, with their long-standing expertise in investment planning, to enhance our range of services.
Our allies include the following companies:
- John Hancock
- Nationwide Insurance
- Great-West Life
- American Funds
- MassMutual
- Principal
- Ameritas
- Transamerica
- Aspire
At PSI, we have on hand the resources to design, implement, and administer a retirement plan that’s fine-tuned for a particular client. Our staff is knowledgable and experienced in designing and maintaining a 401(k).
This is what Pension Services Inc. does best: Create a unique qualified retirement plan for each client; handle plan installation and administration; oversee reporting and compliance. We deploy our actuarial services; attorneys who specialize in ERISA; and accountants whose training, interest, and background is retirement planning. N.B.: Not insurance, nor brokerage; but specifically retirement planning is our forte.
This enables us to focus on maximizing deductions and making sure the plan stays on target to yield the best outcome for employees and management.
Our specialization allows us to cover a broad spectrum of legal considerations, such as IRS approvals; annual DOL and PBGC reports; and IRS, DOL, and PBGC audit support. We also prepare required documents and provide notices to participants; and monitor changes in legislation, regulation, rulings, and court decisions.
And there’s more: PSI provides ADP and ACP contribution testing and non-discrimination testing. We monitor annual and estimated contributions and produce benefits statements, valuation reports, annual reports, participant account records, forms 5500 and 480.70. When the time comes, we also handle termination and liquidation.
While the plan is active, we work with our allies to keep investments on par with the client’s objectives.
You will not find this range of services or this degree of specialization in a multifaceted organization that offers retirement plans as just one in its basket of products.
Our clients appreciate the fact that they can deal face-to-face with a boutique company that’s expert in its field, and yet still have access to platforms from the nation’s heavyweights in the investment business. Yes, you can have it both ways: Have personal and close attention to detail and still use the resources of a mega-company.