The key word in expert witness is expert. PSI has been dedicated to retirement plans– pensions, 401(K)s, defined benefit, defined contribution, ERISA . . . every aspect of retirement planning– since 1989.
So when a client retains PSI, they have a true expert on their team.
We provide expert witness testimony in the following areas, among others:
- fiduciary liability
- employee stock ownership plans
- pension or 401(K) expenses
- third-party administrator litigation
- cash balance conversion
- survivor benefits
- contribution testing (ADP & ACP)
PSI’s actuarial, accounting, and legal staff is available for expert witness assignments.
Our professionals have testified on behalf of plaintiff or defendant.
In cases involving pension plans or retirement planning, an expert witness may be called upon to report on economic issues, demographics, actuarial forecasts, or the specifics of a retirement or pension plan.
The expertise and testimony of an expert witness may well decide a case. That is why the appointment or selection of a well-qualified, experienced and credible expert is crucial.
A client may need an expert witness to help establish the grounds for a potential claim, or to quantify losses based on a range of different scenarios.
An actuary or accounting specialist may also be needed to help the client’s legal team to understand and appreciate key issues.
PSI’s staff are also hired to meet with court-appointed counsel, or to attend court-ordered mediation between the opposing parties.
Our staff could also provide an expert report on a given topic for the court, or to collaborate with another expert to produce a statement for the court.
In certain situations, our actuarial, accounting or legal staff is qualified to give generic evidence on investment, administration or actuarial issues, including the structure and financing of benefits, treatment of a deficit or surplus in assets, directors’ and executives’ pensions, funding calculations or terminations.
A few of our areas of specialization involve: pension rights, actuarial or investment advice, administrative malfeasance, professional neglect, legislative compliance, benefits, and remuneration.
Having an experienced expert witness in your corner is a powerful weapon. That’s why it’s important to choose the appropriate person for a particular battle. If the battle concerns retirement plans, pensions, benefits, or related issues, PSI has decades of experience and a broad knowledge of the industry.
It pays to have a real expert in your corner.