
Downloads for Advisors and New Clients

Please Note:
1) Some of our files contain macros, if you are prompted, please enable macros from Pension Services, Inc., otherwise the files will not work properly.
2) Save these documents to your computer, then open and complete your saved copy.

For US Plans

US Census-Design Microsoft Excel form. (If prompted, please enable macros when opening this file. If you need assistance, contact our IT department at (305) 595-5500 extension 206.
US Plan Design PDF fillable document.
US Plan Installation PDF fillable document.
US Plan Takeover PDF fillable document.

For Puerto Rico Plans

Puerto Rico Census-Template Microsoft Excel form. (If prompted, please enable macros when opening this file. If you need assistance, contact our IT department at (305) 595-5500 extension 206.
Puerto Rico Plan Design (English) PDF fillable document.
Puerto Rico Plan Installation PDF fillable document.
Puerto Rico Plan Takeover (English) PDF fillable document.